Text Service

  • 500 Text Package

    $77.53 Setup Fee
    Order Now
    • This package is our starter package that will help you build your list and promote to customers and add new ones to your list to follow up on. You get 1000 text messages per month.

      Plan Wisely

      Remember when 1 person signs up to your list it equals 1 text message used.

      On the flip side, when you are ready to bring that client back into your business by sending out 1 text message to that person. That equals 1 text message used, However, it's the least amount of money you'll spend to get them coming back for more.
      So it cost you 2 text messages, to get a new client on your list so that he or he's can be marketing to in the future. By the way, they signed up BECAUSE they wanted to hear from you in the first place. Here's the good news...
      The profits you'll make from sending out that single text message will be far worth what you spend in text cost!
      You can get more text message by upgrading at any time. Don't run out in the middle of a promotion, that will be a missed opportunity. We recommend logging in to check before you do a special promotion to see how many texts you have left.

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